Other than SUBJECT and OBJECT PRONOUNS, there are also PRONOUNS that can show POSSESSION (kepemilikan). We divide them to 2 types, those WITH NOUNS and WITHOUT NOUNS. Let’s look at the example below:

‘S / THE … OF THE …

We have other ways to show POSSESSIONS in English. Let’s look at the examples below:

As we can see from the examples, we typically attach ‘s for NOUNS with the type PEOPLE, while we use “the … of the …” for NOUNS that are THINGS or ANIMALS.

In English, we have ways to talk about time that you have to know and get used to. Those are:


  • PAST is used for minutes from 1 to 30.
  • TO is used for minutes from 31 to 59 (berapa menit lagi menuju ke jam berikutnya).

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