In English, we use different prepositions to talk about time & place:


To understand the GAP of using prepositions in English and Indonesian, let’s look at examples below:

  • Dia lahir pada tahun 2013. ➡️ He was born in 2013.
  • Perayaan satu tahunnya jatuh pada tanggal 13 Juni 2020. ➡️ The anniversary is on June 13th, 2020.
  • Mereka datang pada jam 9 malam. ➡️ They arrived at 9 PM.

As we can see, kita menggunakan preposisi yang berbeda di bahasa Inggris untuk sebuah kata yang sama, yaitu “pada”, di bahasa Indonesia. Cara menggunakan IN/ON/AT yang tepat untuk menunjukkan TIME adalah:

  • Kuncimu ada di dalam tas. ➡️ Your key is in the bag
  • Komputer berada di atas meja. ➡️ The computer is on the table
  • Banyak baju kotor di sudut ruangan . ➡️ So many dirty clothes at the corner of the room.

Sama seperti sebelumnya, kita menggunakan preposisi yang berbeda di bahasa Inggris untuk sebuah kata yang sama, yaitu “di”, di bahasa Indonesia. Cara menggunakan IN/ON/AT yang tepat untuk menunjukkan PLACE adalah:

Those are the ways to use IN/ON/AT properly for TIME and PLACE in English. Let’s test your understanding using CHEAT SHEETS below:

After PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE, this is the second tense that we are going to get to know. We are going to talk about when should we use the tense and how do we make sentences using this tense.

Kita menggunakan TENSE ini untuk menceritakan tentang AKTIVITAS yang sedang berlangsung ketika kita berbicara dan juga AKTIVITAS yang akhir-akhir ini sedang kita lakukan. Contohnya:

Here is how we make sentences using PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE. Those include positive, negative, and interrogative sentences:


She/he/it/singular nounsisrunningright now.
You/we/they/plural nounsarewatchinga seriesthese days.


She/he/it/singular nounsisnotrunningright now.
You/we/they/plural nounsarenotwatchinga seriesthese days.


Isshe/he/it/singular nounsrunningright now?
Areyou/we/they/plural nounswatchinga seriesthese days?

Seperti yang sudah kita bahas sebelumnya, di bahasa Inggris terdapat bukan hanya ACTIVITY, namun juga STATE VERBS. STATE VERBS usually refer to emotions, senses, beliefs, opinions, relationships, possessions, and states of being yang bukan merupakan sebuah “aktivitas” yang bisa kita lihat kegiatannya secara fisik. Ternyata, terdapat banyak jenis STATE VERBS selain BE (are/am/is). Contohnya adalah:

Berikut contoh STATE VERBS dalam kalimat:

  • The mountains in the distance are covered with snow. (BE)
  • The art enthusiasts adore the paintings here. (FEELING)
  • The new employee always seems eager to learn and contribute to the team. (SENSE)
  • The antique clock belongs to my grandmother. (POSESSION)
  • I always understand the instructions after reading them a few times. (THOUGHT)

Yang perlu kita perhatikan, biasanya kita TIDAK menggunakan bentuk CONTIUOUS (V-ing) untuk STATE VERBS.

  • I am knowing you. ❌ ➡️ I know you. ✅
  • He is owning a car. ❌ ➡️ He owns a car. ✅
  • We are needing help. ❌ ➡️ We need help. ✅

Nice job so far! After this, we are going to get to know more about TENSES and other interesting things in English grammar. But before that, let’s also fill the CHEAT SHEET for PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE below:

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