Here, we are going to meet the next “time” after PRESENT; its PAST! To understand more about PAST SIMPLE tense, let’s look at the example below:

Last weekend, my friends and I decided to explore the nearby forest. We hiked along a trail, crossed a bubbling stream, and discovered a hidden waterfall. The weather was perfect, and we took plenty of photos to capture the beautiful moments. In the evening, we built a campfire, roasted marshmallows, and shared stories. It was a delightful adventure, and we all agreed that it was one of the best weekends we had ever experienced.

PAST SIMPLE adalah bentuk waktu lampau yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan atau kejadian yang terjadi dan selesai pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu. Just like PRESENT SIMPLE tense, we divide this tense to two types: STATE and ACTIVITY.

Kita menggunakan STATE VERBS untuk menceritakan tentang STATE (keadaan) atau FACTS (fakta) tentang diri kita, orang lain, maupun hal-hal di sekitar kita di masa lalu. Contohnya:

Contoh-contoh tersebut menunjukkan FAKTA serta KEADAAN dan bukan merupakan sebuah AKTIVITAS.

Here is how we make sentences using STATE VERBS in PAST SIMPLE TENSE. Those include positive, negative, and interrogative sentences:


I/she/he/it/singular nounswashere.
You/we/they/plural nounswerefriends.


I/she/he/it/singular nounswasnothere.
You/we/they/plural nounswerenotfriends.


WasI/she/he/it/singular nounshere?
Wereyou/we/they/plural nounsfriends?

Kita menggunakan ACTIVITY VERBS pada tense ini untuk menceritakan tentang AKTIVITAS yang telah terjadi di masa lalu. Contohnya:

Here is how we make sentences using ACTIVITY VERBS in PAST SIMPLE TENSE. Those include positive, negative, and interrogative sentences:


All subjectswentto the beach last weekend.


All subjectsdidnotgoto the beach last weekend.

Please note that we change the VERB 2 back to VERB 1 because we already use the PAST VERB with DID.


Didall subjectsgoto the beach last weekend?

Please note that we change the VERB 2 back to VERB 1 because we already use the PAST VERB with DID.

REGULAR VERBS menggunakan akhiran -ed untuk merubah VERB 1 menjadi VERB 2, contohnya:

  • play – played
  • walk – walked
  • talk – talked
  • etc

IRREGULAR VERBS memiliki bentuk lampau yang tidak memiliki aturan tetap, contohnya:

  • go – went
  • eat – ate
  • drink – drank
  • etc

Kesalahan umum yang sering terjadi adalah menggunakan 2 VERBS di satu kalimat yang sama. Contohnya:

  • I was feel not okay yesterday. ❌
  • She was went to the office by train every day. ❌
  • We were build a new house. ❌

Kita tidak bisa menggunakan 2 VERBS dengan jenis yang sama dalam satu kalimat. Sebagai contoh, was dan went merupakan VERB dengan jenis yang sama yaitu VERB TWO. Maka dari itu, kita tidak bisa menggabungkan keduanya. Instead, kita bisa mengatakan:

  • I was not okay yesterday. (a state in the past) ✅
  • She went to the office by train every day. (a past habit) ✅

PAST SIMPLE adalah salah satu TENSE yang paling umum digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris untuk membantu kita menceritakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lalu. After this, don’t forget to fill in the CHEAT SHEETS below. Happy learning, Gems!

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