Let’s listen to the example below:
ADJECTIVE (kata sifat) adalah kata yang digunakan untuk memberikan detail tentang sebuah NOUN. ADJECTIVES dapat digunakan untuk menggambarkan ciri-ciri kualitatif atau kuantitatif dari suatu NOUN. Contohnya:
Perhatikan bahwa di bahasa Indonesia, kita menyebutkan NOUN terlebih dahulu sebelum ADJECTIVE (tas hijau). Di bahasa Inggris, kita menyebutkan ADJECTIVE-nya terlebih dahulu sebelum NOUN-nya (a green bag).
ADVERB (kata keterangan) adalah kata yang memberikan detail tentang cara, waktu, tempat, atau tingkat intensitas suatu VERB. ADVERB memberikan keterangan tambahan yang membantu menjelaskan bagaimana, kapan, di mana, atau seberapa sering suatu VERB terjadi. Contohnnya:
Pada beberapa kata, ADVERB adalah ADJECTIVE yang ditambahkan akhiran -ly, seperti beautifully, carefully, slowly, neatly, etc. Berikut adalah contoh-contoh dari ADVERB:
HOW | Quickly Easily Slowly Carefully Quietly | She quickly finished her homework. He easily solved the math problem. The turtle moved slowly across the grass. She carefully arranged the fragile ornaments. In the library, everyone speaks quietly. |
HOW MUCH | Almost Too Very Enough Completely | I almost forgot to bring my umbrella. The coffee was too hot to drink right away. She was very excited about the upcoming trip. The lighting is enough. With the final piece in place, the puzzle is completely finished. |
WHERE | There Inside Behind Away Towards | The keys are over there. I left my jacket inside the car. The cat is hiding behind the curtains. He walked away from the noisy crowd. The birds fly towards the sky. |
HOW OFTEN | Never Sometimes Often Frequently Always | I never forget to check my email in the morning. Sometimes, I like to try new restaurants. He often goes for a run in the park. She frequently visits her grandparents on weekends. I always say “thank you” when someone helps me. |
WHEN | Soon Now Already Yesterday Tonight | We’ll finish the project soon. Can you give me the book now? I’ve already finished my homework. We went to the new restaurant yesterday. Let’s plan to meet at the café tonight. |