There are a lot of ways to start a sentence in English, including how we start this sentence; by using THERE ARE/IS. In Indonesian, we can translate it into “terdapat” and this is how we use it in English:

We use there to say when or where something is:

  • There are some dirty cups on the table.
  • There is a party tomorrow.

We use there to say that something exists or is happening:

  • There is a problem. 
  • There was an accident.

We can also start a sentence using just “it” as the subject. We use it to talk about:

Something for the second time in the conversation:

  • There is a party tomorrow. It will be fantastic!
  • We saw a snake in the forest. It was very big.

Times and dates:

  • It‘s my mum’s birthday today. 
  • Let’s go home. It‘s very late. 
  • It‘s four o’clock.

The weather:

  • It‘s very windy. 
  • It‘s a nice day.
  • It rained a lot yesterday.
  • It‘s four degrees.


  • How far is it?
  • It‘s not very far. 
  • It‘s a long way to the nearest petrol station.  
  • It‘s 2 kilometres from the hotel to the station.
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